A Person Is Able To Control Others Through The Power Of Words


Pacing and Leading

In order to be able to lead someone in the direction you want, you must first pace them

Pacing can be done in a variety of ways:


Physical Mirroring

Mirror the speed of their speech

Mirror their breathing rate

Briefly, you can mirror, or imitate your targets’ language pattern, vocal inflections,

Non-Physical Mirroring

Mirror their ideas, thought, beliefs, values

Appear to agree with the other person

How to agree without agreeing: say things like "I see your point" or "it's certainly hard to argue with that"

Never argue – appear to agree by saying things like “I see your point”

Tell people what they want to hear

Match your targets values, thoughts, ideas, behavior – in other words, become them

Never argue with an objection

Tell people what they want to hear, what they crave, what they want, what they dream of, what they desire

To pace someone conversationally, say:

"You'll agree that..."

Language Patterns for Embedding Commands

To get someone to do something specific, you can embed the corresponding command in your sentence

There are several ways to do this:

1. People Can...(command)

2. You might...(command)

3. Quotations

4. Make the command part of a sentence but stress it using different tonality, spacing out the words from the rest of the sentence etc.

'I wonder if ___' pattern


Quotations / Isomorphic Stories

You can make it seem like you are quoting yourself or someone else

Let's say you're trying to give a crumpled old 5 dollar bill to a 7/11 clerk and they resist you. You can say: 'Well, the clerk who gave this bill saw that I had the same reservations but then he said 'Go ahead, take it, it's ok'"

Or, for example you can say: "I had the same problem but then I said to myself 'command'"

X told me "command"

The equivalent of isomorphic stories in advertising: testimonials

Flattery Works

Use flattery (but do it judiciously)

Outwardly the other person may dismiss your flattery but deep inside they think "(s)he's right"

Find And Point Out A Common Enemy


How To Change Beliefs

Point out the negative consequences of the belief

How To Redirect The Conversation

"The question here is not (topic you're trying to avoid); the real issue is (topic you want to discuss)"

Trance Induction Through Confusion

Ways to induce trance through confusion is to:

Stop your sentence midway

To make someone find the answer to a question when they are confused, perplexed or undecided

I know you don't know, but if you knew, what would the answer be?

To inform someone of something without bruising their ego

"As we know..." or "Experience shows that..."

The Art of Improvisation

Learn how to embed your desired messages into your language, as it is being created i.e., take advantage of emerging language patterns that fit your desired message, and embed it in your targets subconscious using altered voice tonality etc.

To make a point, use triplets in your speech

e.g. "...the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die" (Ted Kennedy)

When you want to justify something

Use the word "because"

Make 'predictions' but make them sound like oppinions



Always try to predict the other persons silent, unspoken objections, address their concerns before they even voice them

To induce a particular emotional or mental state

How would it feel if you _ ?

Can you imagine _ ?

Use the I-You Shift

Start by saying 'X happened to me; you know how it feels when something like that happens - you feel (insert emotion)'

Emotions You Can Manipulate To Persuade

Future Regret

Subliminal Seductive Phrases

Subliminal seductive phrases are seemingly innocuous phrases sprinkled into normal conversation

However, for a number of reasons, they register at the 'targets' subconscious as sexual

For example if you say 'just a sec' or 'give me a sec' using the right intonation, it can register in the other person's mind as 'sex'!

It has been reported that former President Bush was instructed to pronounce Sadam Hussein's name as 'Sodom', alluding to sodomy

To let someone know that you find their words or actions disagreeable

Say the exact opposite "I'm not offended by X, Y, Z"

How To Make People Decide More Readily

To make people decide more readily, give them fewer choices

"Fewer choices mean more yeses"

Hasn't it ever happened to you to be at a book fair with thousands of books and not buy a single one in the end?

It's because of the plethora of choices

Present the desired choice last

How To Make A Threat

Do not blatantly state a threat

Imply it

Create fear through implication

Threaten in a quiet manner, never in anger

This way the threat will gain a life of it's own in the other person's mind and will be magnified 1000-fold!

Give the other person a way out to preserve their dignity


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

hypnotist, Conversational Hypnosis, how to, power, hypnosis, influence, Hypnosis, Power, hypnotize, learn hypnosis, Covert Hypnosis, hypnotic, trance, hypnosis training, secrets, covert hypnosis, NLP, How to, hypnotized, persuasion

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